Great birding and a other creatures, James. I assign meaning to birds and other wildlife too. They have memories of the encounter, the outing I was on, who I was with how I felt, all attached to them.

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It can be nice to see a bird and think back to another time. “Such and such place with so and so, saw the same bird.” I like to think of them as good timeline markers.

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Excellent essay, James. Really appreciate the sheer variety of species in the photos. I like your point about seeing a bird and they really don't care one way or the other. It's really up to us the observer to find meaning and emotion in the experience.

It's funny, I've been eagerly waiting the return of the Great Blue Herons and Black-crowned Night Herons here in Ottawa - they have yet to return and settle in my local conservation area. I could feel a little disappointed in not seeing them on my recent hikes, but again, they don't really care. Haha. They're on their own schedule and will arrive when they arrive.

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Thanks, Neil. Birds are vessels, it’s up to us to give them meaning to carry—or not to.

That’s a good point about the herons. End of the day they are calling the shots and we are beholden to their schedule. It makes it sweeter to have to wait to see one, then finally get one in the binoculars.

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Beautiful expression of a love for birds and a deep understanding and appreciation for birds being just birds. Being Birds.

This is their strength--the Birds--and their ability to sing no matter the weather. This is their being. There is reason why so many of us love birds They bring out the best in us.

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Couldn’t agree more, Perry, and thank you for your eloquent comment. The ability to sing no matter the weather is something we can all aspire for.

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Jul 4Liked by James Freitas

I can’t imagine a world without birds. Thank you 😊

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Neither can I. Thank you for reading.

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Apr 19Liked by James Freitas

Come back to Louisiana any time, James. There’s a lot more to see. And the time spent with your uncle- is precious and meaningful. Every time he spies a new bird is like time spent with you.

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I hope to come back sooner than later! Those were indeed meaningful days, and I’m glad he’s been keeping at it.

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I need to remember to go birding the next time I'm in Louisiana visiting family.

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Definitely an underrated birding locale!

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We are often taught to look for the beauty in all things, so in finding it, the layman asks the philosopher while the philosopher asks the photographer...

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Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed these photos—which are still second fiddle to a bird’s in-person beauty.

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Beautiful images! Thanks for brightening up the afternoon

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Thank you, Connor! Glad you enjoyed the writing and photographs.

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