I like this description too: "Rose-breasted Grosbeak sounds like a robin took singing lessons." They do have a nice cheery song for sure. Been awhile since I've seen one though as they're uncommon in the areas I hike. Hopefully I can catch some images of some in the Autumn on their short migrations south.

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Thank you Neil, I hope you get to see one and capture some images!

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Incredible post, James. Kaleidoscopically beautiful, in the way birds and birdsongs are. (And thanks for linking my post.) 💚🍃

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Thank you, Rebecca! I am glad to have captured a mere fraction of the beauty of birds and birdsong.

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Jul 8Liked by James Freitas

Every day we hear the rose breasted Grosbeak. Heaven for me. Today we heard an eagle. Yesterday the scarlet tanager. Now, evening…. the Mourning Dove.

I have many fruiting bushes and trees. Some open wild fields. A lake nearby. A bird feeder too. This year, they took most of my Saskatoons and cherries. I guess I’m in the business of helping to support our birds for posterity!

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Sounds like you’ve created ideal habitat for so many species. So long as you and the birds can coexist they are surely benefiting! I’m glad you hear such a variety of birds.

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Thanks so much for sharing my piece about St. John's wort. Birding by ear is such an amazing skill. I'm dreadful at it right now, but picking it up bit by bit, like learning plants. My dad took up wildlife photography in retirement and he is getting really, really good at birding by ear. On our last outing together, he found a purple martin, which I had never seen before.

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Comparing birding by ear to learning your plants is a great comparison. Birdsong is right there, just takes attention and curiosity - like St. John's wort. Purple Martin is an excellent bird, I hope your dad got nice photos.

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This is slightly beside the point of your article, but the new iPhones take incredible recordings for what they are. I have a zoom recorder with a rode external shotgun mic and I barely take it out anymore, preferring to record with my phone that’s always in my pocket.

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PS: I often feel overwhelmed by reading on a screen, but when I do it, I love catching up on your writing.

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Thank you, Carl. I always love seeing new pieces from you. The phone microphones are astoundingly good. The birds are so clear, the mic picks up such detail. Maybe too much. A couple recordings feature beautiful birdsong punctuated by my growling stomach.

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The first piece I read today and what a joy. I've never heard of any of these birds! They are fantastical to me from my corner of the world. Thank you so much for sharing and for the Rose-Breasted Gosbeak's song.

And then such a thrill as I read on to see you've shared some of my writing with your readers. Cheers, James!

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It is always so cool to learn about birds from elsewhere in the world, something I've enjoyed about reading UK Substacks.

Thank you. I really enjoyed your perspective on mornings. It captured their beauty. I am sure you know of gökotta, the Swedish habit of waking early to listen to the birds. Seems right up your alley.

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I actually don't! Thank you *immediately googles*

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James, I can't tell you how many times my shadow has been wrong! I am so glad you're getting out birding.

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Thank you Pamela! The shadow is such a wonderful indicator for good photography positioning. So simple when you think about it, but so helpful and apparent

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I run into the shadow sometimes when I am going floral photography too. You think you have the perfect shot and then, your shadow is in the way!

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Yes it is a helpful indicator except it doesn’t reply when it’s told: “you’re in my shot!!”

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Wonderful post, James. I really appreciate the emphasis on hearing and listening. You’ve inspired me to add more bird feeders to my deck, btw!

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Thank you, Heidi! Keeping ears attuned for birds is a great way to enjoy some heightened awareness. Feeders definitely help, too

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Thank you, James! Currently, I’m learning all of the voicing for the Spotted Towhees who are in abundance here.

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They are a gorgeous bird. It is excellent you are around them in such abundance.

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Absolutely! They seem so happy and are quite bold.

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Jul 2Liked by James Freitas

Rose breasted Grosbeaks are another one of those birds I remember from childhood. They don’t live out west tho

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The west has plenty of other beautiful birds to watch!

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I'll need to read this more, but the pictures are fantastic. What beautiful birds. Love the red breast.

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Thank you very much, Christopher! They are certainly beautiful birds.

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