James, I really enjoyed this post and the photos. I always learn so much from your posts. I really appreciate the mention and hope to see you here again soon. I totally get you with this, "Substack makes my life better."

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Thank you Pamela. I’m not fully leaving, just have to walk it back for a little. I’ve got ideas for old stuff to intermittently sprinkle in. As you know, Substack makes life better—like bird fervor it’s a tractor beam. I am happy to mention your writing, it’s always such a bright part of my day.

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Glad to hear you are just walking it back a little. I keep thinking I will do that myself, but as it turns out, I’ve been writing online for so long now, that it’s just ingrained in me. I am hoping to take a couple of little road trip on September and October though, once the coasts north and south are not filled up with tourists.

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Great essay James. I've been on and off with carrying my binoculars these days. I do always have my camera though. I've been compensating with my camera as it has a decent zoom lens (Nikon P900.)

I'll probably go back to carrying the binoculars on my hikes once later summer/early autumn rolls around and the cooler weather arrives.

Awesome images as well and love that Osprey video: "An osprey fishing in spectacular super slow motion."

I do admit to noticing ferns on my hikes these days. Hat-tip to yourself for that as these posts have helped me appreciate ferns much more on my Nature hikes.

Thanks for the mention of the "Mallard in Ferns." :)

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Thank you Neil. A zoom lens is a useful stand-in for binoculars—lets you look closer and take pictures if so inclined. The perk of binoculars is they remove that photographic option so you’re just in the moment, not worried about documentation.

I’m glad to hear you notice ferns! That post of the Mallard among them is perfect—two of my favorite things: ducks & ferns.

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Aug 14Liked by James Freitas

I love so much about this piece James.

This summer is our first summer with binoculars (gasp) and it has been incredible on the river where we are staying for a few months. The thought of a camera doubling as binoculars is compelling. I notice that I inhabit a different energy if I get into my kayak with only the binoculars and not my iPhone…in some ways more relaxing. Although four mature and two juvenile bald eagles on a huge salmon with at least ten vultures landed awaiting their turn, had me wishing for a nice camera. As well - I continually appreciate the light you shed on ferns, and thank you so much for sharing a link to my piece 🌿

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Thank you Emma. It is exciting you've welcomed binoculars into your life! They permit a relaxed focus a camera can permit but also hinder.

Cameras promotes fervor -- not always unfounded, particularly with birds. Ferns nullify fervor. I'll stand there taking pictures of ferns, stop and just admire their verdancy. The phone camera's ease presents a challenge, it's worth trying to leave behind if you're able. Always appreciate you reading and your comments.

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Aug 13Liked by James Freitas

nice 👍👍👍

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Aug 13Liked by James Freitas

Love reading your posts. I’m just a backyard birder and follow Birdcast to see how the spring and fall migrations are going in my county. Responsibly feeding birds, pollinators and bees is quite fun and my cats love watching “bird TV” out the windows. Thank you for helping me learn of birds.

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Thank you for reading! Happy to spread the bird knowledge and appreciation. Gonna reshare some bird stuff I wrote a while back.

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Lovely essay. Having learned recently that my ears are just as important as my eyes I’ve been going on more walks without binoculars or a camera - just trying to tune into the chirps and squeaks.

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Thank you Thomas. I write a lot about how much listening is integral to being outside, so hope you enjoy the birdsong, chirps and squeaks!

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Aug 12Liked by James Freitas

Fervidity? Blindered? How fabulous and fun to sprinkle new words among your incredible photos.

I actually had to go look them up 🤪😜

Substack makes life better for sure.

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glad you got some good words out of this! Thank you Teyani.

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Wonderful post, James. The photography is outstanding as is your focus on ferns and birds. I always learn so much and feel encouraged to continue learning to recognize more bird species. Thank you.:)

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Thank you Heidi! I'm glad you like the photos--whenever I include Creative Commons pictures for birds/insects I haven't photographed it helps fill that gap and also motivates me to get out there for pictures of those species. Always happy to see you here in the comments, and I appreciate you reading.

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Thank you, James. I’m happy to be among your readers!

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“The camera has its time and place” - couldn’t agree more!! Was thinking about this a lot recently as I’ve been out without my camera to the places I usually take it, instead of rushing to catch the perfect moment I find myself able to enjoy it a bit more. Having said that I usually always wish I had it with me 😂. Also learnt a lot about ferns!! Thank you for writing.

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Thank you Amaranta!

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