James, this is such a wonderful personal essay. Thank you for sharing this story with us all. It's clear you had a special relationship with your papa.

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Thank you Pamela, a little different than the bird stuff but this one is important to me

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Aug 8Liked by James Freitas

The gull with their beak in the sand, your phone not connecting with your truck and so listening to the radio and so hearing Sinatra…I really enjoy how you guide us as readers to follow the often-invisible threads between what seem like separate aspects of our lives. It was soul-warming to read about your grandfather. I really appreciate and resonate with the difference you make between him teaching you to fish, rather than how.

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Thank you Emma. That truck moment was too unbelievable not to write about. Though when something feels unbelievable it is likely connected to other aspects of life via those invisible threads. Something being unbelievable is an invitation to look closer and figure out why it's believable in a perhaps unconventional sense. E.g. I bird enough I'd expect to see dead gulls more often, but have never had a moment like that one. Always appreciate you reading.

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Thank you, James. This is a beautiful memoir, both nature photo essay and tribute to your Papa. You do a wonderful writerly job of weaving the imagery of the boat with the story of your grandfather. The boat transports my reading and I’m grateful for the journey.

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Thank you, Heidi. A little change of pace from the bird-heavy stuff--but birds still factored in--so I'm glad you enjoyed this one. Always appreciate you reading and commenting your reactions.

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Beautiful tribute James and the images.

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Thank you Shital

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What a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing. I found an Orvis fly fishing class that I signed up for in Preston, Minnesota, about 2 hours south of where I live. I even talked my wife into taking lessons with me as well! We booked a place to stay for a couple of nights, and we'll make a weekend of it.

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Thank you for reading. That Orvis class will be a great experience, a fun way to spend a weekend with your wife. Mine was years ago but they definitely sought to teach me skills that would be relevant to the type of fishing I was most interested in, you will have a fantastic and educational time.

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Aug 8Liked by James Freitas

Nicely done. Wonderful tribute to your grandfather. Agree that trolling a fly rod is not fly fishing. Love the photos. I saw my fist Harrier in downtown New Bedford last spring- incredible flyers. Thank You for the new wallpaper for my iPhone.



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Thank you Bill. Harriers on the wing are certainly something to behold—and I’m glad you will be putting the photos to good use.

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I loved reading this James. It was good how you went back and forth with the story-telling. I do not fish, but i enjoyed the personal parts and how fishing and the boat was a connection. This is what counts.

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Thank you Perry. I wanted to toggle between the two stories to show how the boat played into my life when he was alive, then how it plays into it with him gone. Much as I love to write about birds, I think it’s good to intermittently sprinkle in some more directly personal stuff now and then. I appreciate you reading and commenting.

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A really great tribute James. I like his sense of humour that you describe. The part about not forgetting what he told you bit made me smile. Really nice images as well. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you Neil. He had a great sense of humor and I’m glad you liked the images. Tried to switch it up a little. Thanks for taking the time to read!

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Aug 7Liked by James Freitas

Such a beautiful tribune to your Papa. The photos are breathtaking, as always.

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Thank you so much Teyani. Last week’s was long and this week’s is even longer so I appreciate you reading

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